Love Again: Remorse and Paradise

In my song, “Love Again”, I wanted to convey the entire spectrum of man’s experience. A lofty goal, for sure, but a simple one.

In examining this idea, we find Adam, the first man, created by God for good works and placed in a beautiful, verdant garden. God blesses Adam by giving him a mate, the first woman, Eve.

Even though Adam and Eve worked and played surrounded by verdant beauty, they still managed to disobey God’s simple instruction to stay away from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and thus despised God and all that He had done for them. Thus begins man’s penchant for biting the hand that feeds him.

“To stand outside of love is empty, empty like a broken cup
 To live the passion, keep the promise
To sacrifice is to make love”

Throughout history, when man obeys God, he is blessed, but if he disobeys, he reaps judgment..

Fortunately, all is not lost. God has taken pity on man and provided redemption which only blood sacrifice can purchase.

“And love that’s lost cannot be found until it’s buried in the ground
 Only to rise up and love again, love again”

In the act of sending His only Son, wrapped in flesh, to earth to live the only sinless life ever, tortured, executed, buried and resurrected three days later, Jesus has conquered sin and death forever, something man, in all of his imagined goodness will never accomplish.

“I remember you and love lamenting on a Sunday afternoon”

As Christians, we lament our sin, and rejoice in the redemption of our souls by the perfect, selfless act of Jesus.


An interview with musician Chris Whittington and a consideration of Veterans’ Day


Loquaciousness and The Cross